Lab Notebook Michelle Evans

School's Out for Winter, School's Out for Eva

Today was my last day of classes of my first semester of graduate school, so I naturally spent it rushing to finish all of my final assignments.

What was I up to today?

  • Said goodbye to my 2 1/2 hour Monday morning discussion class by making it 3 hrs. We did get donuts though


  • Put the finishing touches on the 8000 paper, which meant I also had to do some major updates to my Papers library so my citations would actually have authors names instead of Butts, Seymour

  • Worked on the SCORE project some more for the official meeting with everyone tomorrow
  • downloaded SRTM data for altitude, but the rasters were so big when I mosaic-ed them all together, my tiny mac couldn’t handle it
  • read some more papers on spatial GLMM and Bayesian geospatial modeling
  • found a great Youtube channel of the past GeoStat Course seminars, which should be a little helpful

What should I be doing tomorrow

  • Finish the SCORE protocols and then actually learn how to do them

  • briefly look into smoothing data some more for my Friday meeting