Database Control

Importing Data

This example will walk you through how to get data that already exists into SQLite.

  1. Download the main table for the Portal LTREB mammal survey database. It’s kind of large so it might take a few seconds. This database is published as a Data Paper on Ecological Archives, which is generally a great place to look for ecology data.
  2. Create a new database by clicking on New Database in the Database drop down menu. Select a file name, like portal_mammals.sqlite, and location. ​
  3. Click on the Import icon. ​
  4. Click on Select File and navigate to where you saved the data file and select it. ​
  5. Select CSV. You’ll notice that you can also import from other SQL or modify the Fields separated or enclosed by. You’ll want to make sure to select First row contains column names. ​
  6. Click OK when it asks if you want to modify the data.
  7. Name the table that you are importing into surveys.
  8. Identify the type for each field, using the Data Type drop-down menus. If it is not obvious if the data type is an INTEGER or VARCHAR for each variable, check the metadata. Important: if you specify the wrong data type it can cause some data to not be imported and/or prevent you from doing some kinds of data manipulations.
  9. Select recordID as the Primary Key and click OK.
  10. Click OK when it asks if you are sure you want to import the data.
  11. Now import the plots, and species tables.
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