
Link to Databases

Let’s access an SQL database directly from R using dplyr.

Either use an existing copy of the portal_mammals.sqlite database or download a new copy. You should be able to link to the surveys table in the database using:

portaldb <- src_sqlite("portal_mammals.sqlite")
surveys <- tbl(portaldb, "surveys")

surveys will be a tbl_sqlite, which means that the table remains external to the R environment. Also, we won’t need to worry about it printing out huge numbers of rows when we look at it.

  1. Use the nrow() function to determine how many records are represented in surveys.
  2. Select the year, month, day, and species_id columns in that order.
  3. Create a new data frame with the year, species_id, and weight in kilograms of each individual, with no null weights.
  4. Use the distinct() function to print the species_id for each species in the dataset that has been weighed.
[click here for output]