General Programing Resources
- Advanced Queries
- Databases Week 2
- Forms
- Linking Databases
- Setting up an ODBC connection in Windows
- Reports
Most of the material here is presented as IPython notebooks. The main links will take you to a nicely formatted text version of the notebook displayed in the browser. You can also download the actual notebook to interact with it on your computer by changing the code and seeing what happens.
Course Notes
- Expressions, Types, Variables, and Errors
- Expressions (notebook)
- Types (notebook)
- Integer Division (notebook)
- Variables and Assignment (notebook)
- Using Functions (notebook)
- Writing Functions (notebook)
- Strings (notebook)
- Lists: loops, methods, and nested lists
- For loops (notebook)
- While loops (notebook)
- Importing delimited text files (notebook | raw)
- Web data
- Exporting data from Python (notebook | raw)
- Numpy (notebook | raw)
- Graphing (notebook | raw) | Graphing Alternate
- Statistics (notebook)
- Interacting with Databases from Python (notebook)
- List comprehensions (notebook)
- Debugging
- Debugger
- Testing
- Style
- Program Design (notebook)
- Common points of confusion in Python (notebook)
- Python & R (notebook | raw)
- Rpy2 (notebook)
Extra Notes
- Aliasing (notebook)
- Beautiful Soup (notebook)
- Biopython
- Errors (notebook)
- First Class Functions
- For Loops Indexing
- Making Choices
- Modules
- Multi-way ANOVA (notebook)
- Object Oriented Programming (notebook)
- Object Oriented Programming Example (notebook)
- Packaging
(notebook)- Program Design
- Python Resources
- Rainfall Example (notebook)
- Regular Expressions
- Requests (notebook)
- Running Blast
- Shell in Python
- SQL in Python | Alternate SQL in Python
- Statistics in Scipy
- Style Guide
- Testing (notebook)
- Using Help
- Introduction
- Data Structures
- Functions
loops- Other Data Structures
- Conditionals
- Problem Decomposition (R-script)
- Spatial Data
- Version Control
- Integrating R and SQL
- Project Structure
- Debugging
)- R Cheat Sheet
- Projects
Course Notes
- Introduction to Databases (presentation)
- Basic Queries
- Aggregation
- Joins
- Tidy Data
- Data Entry in Excel
- Nested Queries
Extra Notes
- Database Control - SQLite Manager
- Database Control - Queries
- Database Structure (presentation)
- Database Resources
- Exporting from OpenOffice
- SQL for Access Users