Lab Notebook Michelle Evans

fEbRuArY sEcOnD

What was I up to today?

AEDES fixed the scrape. Will rerun for everything overnight. Uploaded more PAHO data.

GIS installed ArcGIS on the lab machine

ICON uploaded background documents

8910 Compiled Lit Review Sheet

FLAV met with John for flavivirus project. Compiled list of viruses and some traits.

SCORE reran with distance to lake log transformed. It helped the normality, but didn’t change analyses. All the covariates are normally distributed.

What should I be doing tomorrow?

AEDES upload more PAHO data

SCORE analysis and interaction maps (leaflet? plotly? all other things?)

FLAV pair mosquitos with virus data

What should I be doing long term?

GIS project brainstorming

  • Coursera Biostats course

  • stop being a fool and learn LaTeX